September 29, 2014

Stürken l Albrecht Printing Company

How can a printing company score? With good quality at good prices – that’s for sure. But what does it make unique? The answer is obvious: it is the people who shape the company. Their access to the products, their heart blood in offset, digital, and letterpress makes the difference.

It was a great pleasure for us to get to know the people of this company with whom we have been cooperating for many years as partners, in a new way by interviews and portrait photography. The result is a poster campaign across Bremen, over various periods of the year 2014.

Niclas Stürken, who has selected the poster locations by hand, agrees that it is an attention-grabbing campaign: »Starting conversation is easy as existing and potential customers address us directly about the motifs. And our employees are proud to represent the company with their personal statement.«

Our client and we were especially delighted about an award: the portrait of the bookbinder Torsten Seiler with his provocative question: »Papier soll geduldig sein?« (Paper shall not blush?) became poster of the month in June 2014.

Another project with Stürken Albrecht can be found here.

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